Magformers 62-Piece Classic Set (Sale)

£54.99 £74.99
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SKU: 701007

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With 30 squares, 20 triangles and 12 pentagons, this set is a super-creative introduction to the world of Magformers magnetic construction.

The 62-rainbow coloured magnetic construction pieces easily combine when placed together and it’s a great set for teaching KS1 and KS2 geometry as it makes simple and complex 3D structures, from a cube to an icosidodecahedron – complete with 2D flat ‘net’ illustrations.

Magformers is a winner of more than 50 global play and educational awards. Magformers pieces contain neodymium rare-earth magnets for guaranteed connectivity. The magnets are safely sealed in each edge, but because they rotate, they always attract and never repel - making construction of models quick, easy, fun and creative.